5 nutrition hacks for busy people: Simple and effective ways to stay on track

5 nutrition hacks for busy people: Simple and effective ways to stay on track

“Eating healthy can be a challenge when you’re always on the go. From long work hours to busy personal lives, it can be difficult to find the time to prepare nutritious meals. But don’t let a busy schedule prevent you from reaching your nutrition goals. When our days are overbooked, we invariably have less time for activities like cooking, grocery shopping, and food preparation, which ensures we have a healthy, nutritious diet and saves us a lot of money (and calories) compared to buying prepared meals on the fly. However, there are several simple yet effective nutrition hacks that busy people can use to ensure they are getting the right amount of nutrients. (Also read: Effective meal planning tips to save money and stay healthy )

Dietitian and Nutrition Expert, Aidan Muir, suggested some healthy nutrition hacks for busy people that will help to stay on track and make healthy eating easy, in his recent Instagram post.

  1. Planning your meals

Taking a small amount of time to write out a plan for the week ahead will save you a tonne of time and energy in the long run. It also means that you can organize a shopping list for the week and do one simple trip to the grocery store. This will help you stay organized and avoid last-minute decisions that can lead to unhealthy choices.

2. Cook in batches

Cooking in batches is a huge time saver. If you are already making one serve, why not make 4, 5, or 6? Even if you don’t like repetition, you can freeze stuff down the line. It is practically the same amount of effort for so much more reward.

3. Have some go-to easy options

There is nothing wrong with using frozen and pre-cut fruit/vegetables, microwavable rice/pasta, and pre-cooked proteins like tinned tuna or roast chicken. There is also nothing wrong with a classic sandwich/wrap for lunch/dinner as they are homemade and healthy as compared to processed foods that are usually high in calories and contain unhealthy ingredients. Pre-cooked homemade meals can still include a good source of protein and are loaded up with vegetables.

4. On-the-go snacks

Whilst breakfast, lunch, and dinner may be sorted, you might want some extra on-the-go options for in-between. Keep healthy snacks on hand such as fruits, veggies, and nuts are easy to grab when on the go. Pack some in small containers or resealable bags to take with you wherever you go.

5. Use a slow cooker

Slow cookers allow for easy meal preparation and can be set to cook while you’re at work. Simply add ingredients in the morning and come back to a delicious and healthy meal.

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