The show also features many actors speaking about their movies with YRF. Ranveer Singh revealed on the show, how he got his first break. Casting director Shanoo Sharma had seen him and showed his pictures to Aditya Chopra. The producer-director didn’t think he was good looking or attractive but Shanoo insisted that he takes his screen test.
Ranveer then was briefed by Shanoo’s assistant who in his words was really warm, young lady whose name was ‘Bhumi Pednekar’. “She was really professional and put me at ease,” said Ranveer. The actor said that Bhumi had a very friendly approach and performed the scene for him, and with him. Ranveer confessed that it was because of Bhumi that his audition for ‘Band Baaja Baaraat’ was so good. Chopra saw his audition and instantly had him on board that same evening.
Post a good first audition, Ranveer revealed he couldn’t perform that when he started rehearsing with Anushka. He later did a scene on camera with Anushka Sharma and it was disastrous again. That’s when Aditya Chopra came in and asked him, “Why are you screwing it up after a great first audition.” Yet, Ranveer was cast in the film because Chopra saw it in his first audition itself and had decided he will launch him.
He said it was an overnight success for him, because ‘Band Baaja Baaraat’ released on Friday and by Monday, people already knew him. While Ranveer and Bhumi continue to remain friends since then, the duo have never shared screen space together after Bhumi became an actress.