The biggest Hollywood celebrities– and some Bollywood stars – gathered under one roof for Met Gala 2023 in New York on Monday. India’s very own Priyanka Chopra made an appearance at the gala alongside her husband Nick Jonas. Several images and videos of the superstar at the event have gone viral on social media. Now adding to the list of such pictures is a selfie of the couple with actor Ke Huy Quan, shared by the Oscar winner himself. The image – one among several shared in a carousel – features the couple smiling as they pose with Ke Huy Quan. The other images feature Ke Huy Quan alongside Kate Moss, Mindy Kaling, Robert Pattinson, Rami Malek, and Glenn Close, among others.
Sharing the images, he wrote: “What more can I say? It’s THE MET GALA!”
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were icons of style and grace at the Met Gala, wearing matching black outfits from Valentino. Priyanka stole the show in her off-shoulder, thigh-high black gown, which she complemented with exquisite Bulgari jewellery. Nick, meanwhile, looked sharp in his black suit and white shirt. The couple’s attire was perfectly in line with the theme of the event, which was Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty.
Priyanka shared several pictures from the occasion on social media, captioning them simply as “First Monday in May.”
Nick Jonas, on the occasion, also shared an adorable picture with his wife Priyanka Chopra and their daughter Malti Marie, captioning it “Pre-Met with my girls.”
On the work front, Nick Jonas has been on a tour of the UK and the US with his brothers and their band Jonas Brothers. Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra – last seen in Citadel – will appear next in Love Again with Sam Heughan and Celine Dion. The film also features Nick Jonas in a cameo appearance. She will also be seen in Bollywood film Jee Le Zaraa with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.