Bollywood veteran actress Ratna Pathak Shah, who was invited to a book launch event, talked about India’s biggest hit of the year ‘RRR’. She called ‘RRR’ a ”regressive film.”
When she was asked about her opinion of ‘RRR’, she said, ”Films like RRR are so popular today. But it’s a regressive film. It looks backwards while we should look forward. We just feel whatever we are doing is good because we are part of the mother of democracy — India,” according to a Free Press Journal report.
She added, “Until filmmakers will not see their work critically, we will have to watch films like RRR. But we don’t like criticism. Our ego gets hurt, this atmosphere is created by so many big people and unfortunately, we have accepted it.”
The veteran Bollywood actress got heavily trolled over her comments on the Hindu festival of Karwa Chauth recently. Ratna in a recent interview said that women in the twenty-first century continue to practice antiquated customs like Karwa Chauth and termed it ‘appalling’.
Ratna Pathak Shah, who is known for her iconic character Maya Sarabhai from the Indian sitcom ‘Sarabhai vs Sarabhai’ is all set to make her foray into Gujarati cinema with ‘Kutch Express’. Directed by Viral Shah, the film also stars Manasi Parekh, Darsheel Safary from ‘Taare Zameen Par’ and Dharmendra Gohil.
1/11Jacqueline Fernandez is a breath of fresh air in jaw-dropping lehengas
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<p>Jacqueline Fernandez makes heads turn every time she steps out in her stylish element. Jacqueline’s love for lehengas also goes beyond the traditional norms and that’s something we appreciate wholeheartedly. <br /></p>
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