New Year 2023: New Year Resolutions For You As Per Your Zodiac Sign

New Year 2023: New Year Resolutions For You As Per Your Zodiac Sign

New Delhi: As 2023 arrives, we bid farewell to the rollercoaster ride of 2022 and welcome the new year- a portal to limitless possibilities, potential, and blessings.

“And if you’re still stumped on what resolutions to try in the following 365 days, Astrology can help,” said Astro Numerologist, Sidhharrth S Kumaar. He further shared the list of new habits and goals to pursue based on your astrological sign.

Aries: Finish What You Start: 

The ram brims with passion, energy, and creativity. Always geared up to take on new endeavours, you often tend to halt pursuing your interests midway. 

This year, make a resolution to finish the things you start, whether it is an exercise routine, learning an instrument, or working on your dreams.

Taurus: Accept Experience Over Materialistic Things: 

As a Taurean, you have a fine eye for detail, aesthetics, and luxury. However, you end up spending too much on materialistic things and miss out on real-world experiences. 

Your resolution should be to spend on creating experiences, like vacation plans, music concerts, and live shows. You can also try philanthropic activities.

Gemini: Give Wings To Your Curiosities:

Gemini, you are a life-long learner. You have the urge to know about everything under the sun. Yet, a busy schedule can avert you from taking the initiative. 

Provide life to your dreams by putting together a productive resolution. Give 2-3 hours per week to one of your hobbies and witness your heart smile. 

Cancer: Put Yourself First:

Making extravagant efforts for others without expecting anything in return comes naturally to you- a commendable trait but sometimes, toxic. 

Your new year resolution should be to draw boundaries, understand your needs and make yourself a priority without thinking much of others’ opinions. 

Leo: Keep A Gratitude Journal:

People instantly feel warm and protected in your charming presence. However, you fail to count on your blessings and capabilities at times. 

A gratitude journal shifts your tone of life, allowing you to focus on the sources of happiness that you otherwise take for granted. 

Virgo: Let Go Of Resentment:

Holding grudges is like a slow poison. It doesn’t affect the person who hurt you. Instead, it brings uncertainty and negativity to your current relationships. 

Forgive the people who did you wrong. This doesn’t mean inviting them back into your lives. But, learning from the past and moving ahead with a positive mindset. 

Libra: Spread Your Social Wings: 

Extroverted or selectively social, Librans thrive in social situations and love interesting discussions. What’s better than feeding your personality what it exactly wants? 

This year, join any club of your choice or a local sports team. Crack conversations with strangers along the way (be wary of your safety). And if possible, own the stage. 

Scorpio: Try Guided Meditation:

Opening up to others is a task you rarely succeed in. After all, you belong to the most mysterious sign of the zodiac. 

Keeping your thoughts to yourself affects your mental health. Guided Meditation is for everyone, even those who can’t concentrate. Plus, it is a safe space to release your trapped emotions. 

Sagittarius: Work On A Savings Plan:

A savings plan ensures you have set some money aside for a financial emergency. Plus, how can we forget a Sagittarian’s love for travelling? 

Saving even a few dollars every month can make your travel plans smooth and stress-free, without the fear of going broke. 

Capricorn: Schedule Relaxation Time:

Capricorn, your work ethic is inspiring. Still, don’t forget that your body needs the fuel to give in the extra hours. 

Slow down every day, even if it’s for 10 minutes. Listen to music, go for a walk or simply rest. Remember, it’s essential not just for your well-being but productivity as well. 

Aquarius: Go On Weekly Dates With Friends:

Not just romantic relationships, but friendships require effort too. Being part of a group facilitates your sense of belonging and elevates your happiness levels. 

In 2023, stay connected with your friends. Whether it’s an hour or 10 minutes, laughing with your buddies is the secret to a joyous life. 

Pisces: Include Yoga In Your Daily Routine:

Similar to a sponge, the super-sensitive Pisces absorbs the energy and bad moods of the people surrounding them. 

Practising yoga balances your emotions, and provides the ability to accept what’s yours to accept and what to let go of

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