New Delhi: Union Minister of State for Information Technology Rajeev Chandrashekhar, in an exclusive interview with ABP News on Friday, said the recent case of server hack in AIIMS is not a minor incident and there seems to be a conspiracy behind it.
The minister said that CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), NIA and police are investigating the AIIMS server hack case and added that in a bid to ensure privacy of the citizens’ data, the government is going to bring a Digital Data Protection Bill in the budget session.
Earlier, Chandrashekhar had said that this Bill will ensure the privacy of a citizen is not violated.
It is to be noted that the Union Home Ministry had called a high-level meeting regarding the server hack case.
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Apart from officials associated with the AIIMS administration, other officials, including senior members of the Intelligence Bureau, NIC, NIA, Delhi Police and MHA attended the high-level meeting convened by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
NIC officials said in the meeting that soon the AIIMS server would be restored to work smoothly.
As per reports, the NIA is likely to probe if there is any terrorist angle to the incident. As per sources, apart from the information on several patients, the AIIMS server also has data on VVIPs and there is a possibility that this data may be vulnerable in the wake of the cyber hack.
It is to be noted that internet service in AIIMS has been suspended on the recommendation of the investigating agencies.
The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), Home Ministry officials and Delhi Police teams are already probing the ransomware attack. On November 25, the Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) unit of the Delhi Police registered a case of cyber terrorism and extortion.