Now, Shetty is set to return with the third installment of his ‘Singham’ franchise. It is titled ‘Singham Again’ and recently as per a report in Bollywood Hungama, the film will also have cameos, just like the Marvel Universe. As per the report, ‘Singham Again’ will feature Ranveer and Akshay both reprising their respective characters. The audience can also expect something grand to complete this cop universe.
Meanwhile, during the ‘Current Laga’ song launch from ‘Cirkus’, Rohit Shetty announced that Deepika Padukone will be seen in ‘Singham Again’ and is the first female cop in this cop universe.
Just as the new year started, Ajay had shared a picture with Rohit and wrote, “Made a good start to the New Year with @itsrohitshetty ‘s narration of Singham Again. The script I heard is God willing this will be our 11th blockbuster”
Rohit commented on Ajay’s post and expressed, “Ab tak Imaandaari aur Mehnat ke saath kaam kiya hai… is baar andar Aag bhi hai… “
The director who is known to give blockbuster hits, unfortunately didn’t manage to strike gold with his last release ‘Cirkus’. But he seems to be getting back to his next with full zest. Apart from the theatrical cop universe, Rohit is now set to launch his OTT cop universe with ‘Indian Police Force’ starring Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty and Vivek Oberoi.