Actor Vishal has a good market not only in Tamil Nadu but also in Telugu states. After the superhit of ‘Pandem Kodi’, the makers are releasing each of his movies in Telugu as well. Vishal is one of the most talented actors we have in the industry now, but apart from movies, the actor has been in the news because of his love life. He made headlines for link-up rumours with several actresses. Recently, he was targeted by the netizens because of his wedding rumours with actress Abhinaya. As per the reports, the couple is all set to tie the knot soon.
Amid all this, Vishal was seen talking about his future plans. He told India Today, ”Marriage is a lot of responsibility. It is a word somewhere in my brain, but it hasn’t come to the forefront yet,” he laughed. ”I have a lot of responsibilities on the professional front. Marriage is not a joke. You need to be dedicated to your personal life, like how you are in your work. I still need to get the marriage mind set. Now, I am hopping on to the next thing – the day Prabhas gets married, I will get married!.”
On the professional front, Vishal has several films awaiting release including the highly anticipated ‘Laththi’, in which he plays a police constable, and director Adhik Ravichandran’s big budget project, ‘Mark Antony’. Directed by A Vinoth Kumar, the action thriller will hit the theatres on December 22, 2022.
1/11Keerthy Suresh’s net worth, remuneration and assets
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<p>Actress Keerthy Suresh leads a life of luxury and often shares a glimpse into her life of travel, vacations, and high-end fashion. From luxurious cars to properties, here’s looking at some of the most pricey possessions acquired by Keerthy.<br /></p>
Actress Keerthy Suresh leads a life of luxury and often shares a glimpse into her life of travel, vacations, and high-end fashion. From luxurious cars to properties, here’s looking at some of the most pricey possessions acquired by Keerthy.
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<p>For the last four years, Keerthy Suresh has been taking a remuneration of Rs 1 crore. <br /></p>
For the last four years, Keerthy Suresh has been taking a remuneration of Rs 1 crore.
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<p>She is reportedly charging Rs 2.5 to 3 crores as her remuneration now. <br /></p>
<p>On average, she is appearing three films in a year. <br /></p>
<p>Based on calculations, Keerthy’s earnings per annum are Rs 10-15 crores.<br /></p>
Based on calculations, Keerthy’s earnings per annum are Rs 10-15 crores.
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<p>Reports claim the actor takes a substantial fee, ranging from R 15-30 lakhs for a single endorsement.<br /></p>
Reports claim the actor takes a substantial fee, ranging from R 15-30 lakhs for a single endorsement.
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<p>The ‘Sarkaru Vaari Paata’ actress has so far earned Rs 50 to 70 crores. <br /></p>
The ‘Sarkaru Vaari Paata’ actress has so far earned Rs 50 to 70 crores.
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<p>She is the proud possessor of a brand-new Volvo S90 that costs Rs. 60 lakh, a BMW 7 Series 730Ld worth Rs. 1.38 crores, a Mercedes Benz AMG GLC43 priced at Rs. 81 lakh, a Toyota Innova Crysta that ranges about Rs. 25 lakh and many others. <br /></p>
She is the proud possessor of a brand-new Volvo S90 that costs Rs. 60 lakh, a BMW 7 Series 730Ld worth Rs. 1.38 crores, a Mercedes Benz AMG GLC43 priced at Rs. 81 lakh, a Toyota Innova Crysta that ranges about Rs. 25 lakh and many others.
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<p>The ‘Mahanati’ actress lives in a luxurious house in Chennai, which is reputed to be the costliest in the city. <br /></p>
The ‘Mahanati’ actress lives in a luxurious house in Chennai, which is reputed to be the costliest in the city.
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<p>The ‘Good Luck Sakhi’ actress owns some super expensive shoes, bags and outfits. <br /></p>
The ‘Good Luck Sakhi’ actress owns some super expensive shoes, bags and outfits.
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<p>The ‘Dasara’ actress often jets off to some of the most stunning locales globally. <br /></p>
The ‘Dasara’ actress often jets off to some of the most stunning locales globally.
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