While promoting his film, Anurag spoke about ‘Sacred Games’ as well in an interview with Mashable India. Anurag co-directed both the first and second seasons of the show, alongside Vikramaditya Motwane and Neeraj Ghaywan, respectively. The second season wasn’t as well received as season one, and Netflix hasn’t given any update about whether the show is officially cancelled or not.
Anurag revealed that Netflix shut it down. He was initially not on board for the season 2, Vikram Aditya Motwane was. But ten days before Kashyap was supposed to shoot for ‘Mukkabaaz’, Vikramaditya asked him to come on board. Earlier, they had a problem with Anurag since they thought he didn’t have a female audience.
He further added that OTT doesn’t have the guts anymore and everyone is scared after the ‘Tandav’ controversy. The show had become controversial over a scene which involved actor Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub. Changes were made to the scene by series creator Ali Abbas Zafar.
Kashyap also steered clear on the rumours that he was behind the leak of his his film ‘Paanch’. He said that he had made a print for himself which he distributed among people and one of them could have leaked it. He revealed that ‘Black Friday’ had got pirated but he used to buy those copies in bulk, put them in boxes and distribute in the US.
Anurag’s next, ‘Almost Pyaar With DJ Mohabbat’ is releasing on February 3.