Anushka Shetty went to her hometown Mangaluru and watched a Bhoota Kola performance, an ancient religious art form as shown in ‘Kantara’. Anushka was seen busy taking videos and photos and a fan was busy shooting her surprise public visit. This video has gone viral on social media. Fans call this as ‘Kantara’ effect to make Anushka attend Bhoota kola performance.
What thrilled her fans most when they saw Anushka was that she had slimmed down a lot. Wearing a beautiful silk saree, the Baahubali actress looked gorgeous. She has not been seen on social media for a long time now and there are no new photos of her either, as she has not been attending any public events. The actress surprise visit sent her fans into a tizzy not just on social media but even in Mangaluru as well.
Take a look at the video Anushka attending the Bhootakola performance:
Another glimpse of Sweety attending Boothakola Festival in her home town #AnushkaShetty #Sweety #Anushka48
— PRANUSHKA FANCLUB (@pranushka_fan) 1671376758000
After watching Rishabh Shetty’s ‘Kantara’, Anushka took to Instagram and posted, “totally totally loved it, congratulations to each and every actor, producers, technicians. team kantara u all were amazing, and thank you all for the experience.” She praised Rishabh Shetty for his performance and urged everyone to watch Kantara in theatres. With Anushka making a public appearance finally after ages, fans are waiting to see new Anushka48 updates and pics.
Anushka’s last release was four years back in 2018. It was an awesome surprise for her fans when she announced Anushka48 on December 15. She posted a picture of her in a chef’s hat and cooking so it looks like she’s playing a chef in this film. Actor Naveen Polishetty is the main lead in the film, which is directed by P Mahesh. Anushka’s fans are eagerly looking forward to its release and hope they get to see her back on screen next year.