The film saw a big drop in collections on its first Monday at the box office, recording a big 50% drop. Despite the drop, the movie still managed to rake in an impressive Rs 18.75-19 crore nett on day four which took its overall total to an estimated Rs 146-147 crore nett.
While the film could not beat the record set by ‘Avengers: Endgame’, it did break all the previous records set by its 2009 original. According to a report on, the film has beaten the lifetime records of ‘Avatar’ across all across circuits in the country. The sequel, although met with mixed reviews, drew in the masses and saw phenomenal growth in South sectors.
The original film earned a lifetime collection of around Rs 20 crore in Nizam/Andhra back in 2009. According to reports, the sequel earned Rs 30.70 crore in just 3 days.
While the original earned Rs 89 lakh in Bihar, Rs 35 lakh in Assam and Rs 48 lakh in Bihar, Assam and Odisha, respectively. The film saw numbers double to an estimated Rs 1.84 crore, Rs 1.76 crore and Rs 1.71 crore in the respective sectors in just three days.
The film’s performance in Hindi circuits was much less, but ‘Avatar 2’ was able to beat the lifetime collections in just its first weekend. The original 2009 film earned a lifetime collection of Rs 108.44 crore across the country. The newly released ‘The Way Of Water’ earned an estimated Rs 127.58 crore in its first weekend.
It remains to be seen how well the film will perform at the box office. Although there is no other major Hollywood release this month, it will face some competition from the Ranveer Singh starrer ‘Cirkus’ which hits the big screens on Friday.