Avatar 2 collected around Rs 20.5-21 crore nett on Day 9, reports Box Office India. This is the highest ever collections for a Hollywood film on a second Saturday in India. The film is now surpassing Avengers Endgame game daily collections. On its second Saturday in India, the Marvel movie had collected a little under Rs 19 crore nett, the report further stated.
The growth for Avatar 2 was extraordinary all over, with Mumbai circuit touching the 40 crore nett mark. Nizam/Andhra leads the way as it crosses Rs 50 crore nett mark. The total collections of the film now stands at about Rs 223 crore nett. The film is expected to hit Rs 250 crore nett today.
The collections of Avatar – The Way of Water till date are as follows.
Friday – 40,00,00,000 apprx
Saturday – 40,50,00,000 apprx
Sunday – 47,00,00,000 apprx
Monday – 18,75,00,000 apprx
Tuesday – 16,25,00,000 apprx
Wednesday – 14,25,00,000 apprx
Thursday – 12,75,00,000 apprx
Friday – 12,00,00,000 apprx
Saturday – 20,75,00,000 apprx
Speaking to ETimes about the herculean task of making Avatar 2, VFX supervisor Pavani Rao Boddapati shared some striking statistics. She said, “There are roughly 3200 shots of CGI in the movie out of which 2200 are of water. If you tell this to any VFX artist 5 years before the movie comes out they will probably pass out. That’s because the process is very difficult. We’ve done water movies before. Along with our Senior VFX Supervisor Joe Letteri, we worked on James Cameron’s Alita: Battle Angel in 2017, where that project became a test bed to figure out what it will take to create the underwater shots for a film. That movie had just 10 shots of the lead character putting on a suit and going under water and yet it took us a year to get those shots right. Imagine the time it took for Avatar’s 2200 shots,” she had said.