Tamil Nadu minister Senthil Balaji targetted state BJP chief Annamalai over his expensive Bell & Ross limited edition Rafale watch. In response, BJP leader SG Suryah tweeted a photo of Udhayanidhi Stalin allegedly wearing a watch that cost Rs 14.3 lakh.
Chennai,UPDATED: Dec 19, 2022 19:16 IST
Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin (right) with his son Udhayanidhi Stalin in Chennai; (Photo: ANI)
By Pramod Madhav: BJP leader SG Suryah hit back at the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam after the latter attacked Annamalai over his Bell & Ross limited edition Rafale watch. SG Suryah on Monday tweeted a picture of Udhayanidhi allegedly wearing a watch that cost Rs 14.37 lakh.
Tamil Nadu BJP leader SG Suryah tweeted, “DMK scion and dynast Udhayanidhi Stalin used a wrist watch that’s worth whooping Rs 14,37,000. Where did he get the money from?? What’s his profession?”
Tamil Nadu minister Senthil Balaji took to Twitter to target state BJP chief Annamalai over his expensive Bell & Ross limited edition Rafale watch and asked the saffron party leader to show receipt of the watch he bought.
“Only 500 pieces of the Rafale watch were made for the French company, costing Rs 5 lakh. A man who claims to own only four goats is wearing this watch! Can he share the receipt of the watch he bought?” questioned Senthil Balaji.
Replying to the allegations made by the DMK minister, Annamalai said, “The watch is made of parts from the aircraft. There are only 500 such watches. It is a collector’s edition called the Rafale special edition. I did not get an opportunity to fly the Rafale aircraft, so as a nationalist I am wearing the watch.”
He said he would continue to wear the watch as long as he lived.
“Who else in the world would buy a Rafale watch? Only an Indian will. So, for the sake of the country I am wearing a watch produced by Dassault Aviation, made of parts from the Rafale aircraft because I am a nationalist. I am not a person who speaks division,” the BJP chief said.