Further, ETimes also spoke to ex-CBFC chairman Pahlaj Nihalani, who expressed his displeasure at the controversy surrounding Pathaan. Nihalani had said, “Pathaan is a victim of controversy. The CBFC must have got pressurized from the ministry to delete this portion of saffron colour. Otherwise they had cleared the costume and the shot in the trailer.”
Now, Prasoon Joshi has issued another statement, clarifying the CBFC’s stance and involvement in the situation. In his statement, Joshi wrote, “CBFC always has a tough task to strike a right balance between audience sensibilities and creative expression and we have stayed true to this spirit in the certification on film Pathaan too.”
Joshi further explained, “Certification as per the right category is important and the committee made sure that due care is taken in terms of the film’s age appropriateness for the relevant category. Also the makers have been advised modifications in the film with a balanced and wholistic view as per the CBFC guidelines (sic).”
A lot of the friction towards Pathaan and the song Besharam Rang has been pointed at the saffron colour swimsuit worn by Deepika Padukone. Clearing the CBFC’s approach to the colour controversy and it’s solution, Joshi wrote, “As far as costume colours are concerned, the Committee has stayed unbiased. I am sure when the film comes out the reflection of this balanced approach will be clear to everyone.” He further explained, “We need to understand that CBFC works under guidelines as per the Cinematograph Act. And endeavours to do its best in certifying the films for the appropriate category. Also there is always a provision for the makers to voluntarily make changes to their film and further submit an agreed upon version. Whilst the process has been duly followed and getting implemented I must reiterate that our culture and faith is glorious, intricate and nuanced. And we have to be careful that it does not get defined by trivia (sic).”
Joshi further emphasised that the audience and movie buffs should trust the CBFC and it’s system. He said, “Like I have said earlier as well, that the trust between creators and audience is most important to protect and the creators should keep working towards it so that there is little room for mistrust or misunderstanding.”