According to a report on, the film managed to earn a post-pandemic record in the original Hindi content category, beating out the recent releases like the Rs 50 crore nett of ‘Brahmastra’, Rs 49 crore nett of ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’ and the Rs 45.50 crore nett of ‘Sooryavanshi’. Although the collections are lower than Vivek Agnihotri’s ‘The Kashmir Files’, it must be noted that the Vivek Agnihotri directorial was granted several concessions, thus boosting the revenue.
‘Drishyam 2’ will have a chance to extend its hold at the box office during its third week, despite going up against some newer film releases.
The second-week collections of ‘Drishyam 2’ are also said to be the second highest ever netted for an Ajay Devgn film. The only one to beat this is the period drama, ‘Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior’. In terms of all-time second-week business, it ranks on the 16th spot, beating the likes of ‘Bajirao Mastaani’, ‘Sultan’, ‘Good Newwz’ and ‘Housefull 4’.
After earning an estimated Rs 102.37 crore in Week One and adding another Rs 57.50 crore to its collections on week two, the film’s estimated total collections stands at Rs 159.87 crore.
‘Drishyam 2’ also entered the Rs 150 crore club in India in just 12 days of its release.
Helmed by Abhishek Pathak, ‘Drishyam’ is based on the 2021 Malayalam film of the same name, also serving as a sequel to the 2015 film Drishyam, which in turn was adapted from the eponymous 2013 Malayalam film.