Singer-actor Guru Randhawa has a happy update for fans of Indian cricketer Rishabh Pant. The artist met Rishabh Pant over the weekend and has shared an image with the cricketer who is currently recovering from injuries he sustained in an accident a few months ago. Rishabh Pant suffered a horrific car crash in December, last year. On Sunday, Guru Randhawa shared an image in which he is seated next to the cricketer and wrote in the caption: “So good to see my brother Rishabh Pant coming back much stronger. Everyday growth. Love you, bro.” Fans of the cricketer have thanked the singer for the update in the comments section. For the unversed, Rishabh Pant met with an accident near Roorkee in Uttarakhand. He sustained injuries after his car collided with a divider and caught fire while he was travelling from Delhi to Uttarakhand.
Take a look at Guru Randhawa’s post here:
Not too long ago, Guru Randhawa shared an image with Tajikistani singer and former Bigg Boss contestant Abdu Rozik. In the caption, he wrote, “Welcome to India Abdu Rozik. Whole India loves you. My love and blessings for you always.”
Before that, Guru Randhawa made headlines for working with another former Bigg Boss contestant in a music video – Shehnaaz Gill. The two came together for a fun song Moon Rise. Sung, composed and written by Guru Randhawa, the music video has been produced by Gulshan Kumar’s T-Series. The song has been choreographed by Deush Mehra.
Watch the song here:
Ahead of the song’s release, Guru Randhawa and Shehnaaz Gill shared some behind-the-scenes moments from the shoot of the song. In the video they are seen laughing as they pose for the camera. The caption read: “Caption khud likh lo. Mujhe nhi kuch samaj aa raha (Write the caption yourself. I don’t understand anything).”
Shehnaaz’s BFF, stylist Ken Ferns, said, “Not a single word I have understood except for ‘LIGHT’ and that clearly represents you. Also ‘light shirt de?”
Actress Mrunal Thakur also replied saying: “Hahahaha cuties.”
Guru Randhawa is best known for his superhit songs such as Lahore, Ishare Tere, Slowly Slowly, and Tere Te.