Herbs That You Must Include In Your Diet To Boost Your Health

Herbs That You Must Include In Your Diet To Boost Your Health

New Delhi: With the arrival of the Omicron BF.7 variant, taking care of your health and immunity has become even more important. The best ways to take care of your health is to adopt a holistic strategy, which includes eating healthily, getting enough sleep, exercising, avoiding excessive alcohol use, and attempting to manage your stress.

However, there are instances when you require more support, and in those cases, specific vitamins, supplements, tinctures, teas, etc., may be beneficial. There are so many varieties of herbs with various applications and benefits that you might consider them as an all-natural addition to your wellness regimen. Below mentioned are a few of them that you can consider:

1. Haritaki:

As a well-known “disease remover,” Haritaki is a crucial component of any array of active, supporting, and rejuvenating herbal formulations. It is one of Triphala’s three components, which is well recognised for calming the tridoshas. By reducing cell damage caused by free radicals and inducing immunomodulatory actions, taking this powder twice a day aids in the development of a strong immune system. In addition, haritaki is a potent lung tonic, digestive stimulant, and lymphatic tissue cleanser. Haritaki’s inherent purifying qualities do wonders for revitalising skin cells and improving the complexion and lustre of the skin.

2. Shilajit: 

This traditional ayurvedic herb is well known for its detoxifying and regenerating properties. It is a necessary mineral that energises the body and strengthens the immune system. It benefits the urinary system and kidneys, strengthens the reproductive organs and purifies the blood. It also helps to enhance blood circulation and reduce joint pain throughout the winter.

3. Brahmi:

Brahmi resembles the cerebellum of the brain, which is well known for enhancing neurotransmitter activity and stimulating brain function by protecting brain cells. This herbal remedy has a powerful effect on the neurological system, improving memory and attention. The ayurvedic texts consider it as a plant that rejuvenates the brain. Steep Brahmi leaves in your tea to improve lung function and cure a number of respiratory issues like sinusitis, a cold, and congestion, all of which are common in the winter. It additionally functions as an expectorant by removing mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tracts.

4. Pudina:

Pudina is a rich source of iron and vitamin C and is used to treat a variety of respiratory issues including seasonal allergies and asthma. It also treats stomach issues due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Menthol, the main pharmaceutical ingredient in it is a well-known natural decongestant with strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics. It is also utilised in a number of inhalants, balms, and cough syrups. Many individuals believe that mint has stimulant and digestive qualities along with anti-inflammatory effects.

5. Manjistha:

The traditional herb Manjistha is used to cool, purify, and rid the blood of undesired poisons and excess heat. The functioning of all the body’s tissue layers, including the skin, joints, organs, lymphatic system, and reproductive organs, are positively impacted by this plant. Manjistha primarily aids in cleansing, immune system development, and prevention of seasonal illnesses. In addition to these benefits, it regulates Pitta dosha and enhances liver functions.

6. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera has got great health advantages. Aloe vera must be consumed regularly in the form of capsules or juice due to its mild laxative activity and wound-healing capabilities. It harmonises the body’s three doshas and is also toxic-free. It also has a blood-thinning effect and is therefore very helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. Teenage girls can benefit greatly from aloe vera since it triggers menstruation and treats acne.

In addition, Aloe vera enhances digestion and improves the immune system, cures nausea and also helps to lower blood sugar levels. Vitamins B12, B1, B2, B6, A, E, and C, niacin, and folic acid are abundant in aloe vera which is essential for healthy body functioning.

7. Triphala: 

One of the most well-known and often-used Ayurvedic remedies is Triphala powder which is made up of  Amla, Haritaki, and Vibhitaki. Fruit rind dry powders are combined in equal amounts. Triphala has a high level of antioxidant activity, making it suitable as a daily tonic and a potent source of antioxidants.
This is why people who consistently have pre-diabetes can use it. In addition, it also addresses computer vision conditions and is beneficial for eyesight improvement. It also helps in the management of obesity.

8. Giloy: 

It is among the most crucial herbs in Ayurveda. Giloy is often referred to as “Amruta,” which means nectar. While being widely known for their ability to reduce inflammation and modulate the immune system, Giloy and castor oil are effective for treating gout. Jaggery and giloy are both used to treat constipation, while Giloy and ginger powder are effective for treating arthritis. All three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—are balanced by giloy. It is well recognised to have an astringent effect, aid in digestion, and relieve bleeding disorders as well as Vata and Kapha imbalances.


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