The Indian National Congress is the greatest unifying force in the country to-day. The mass awakening, political and otherwise that is noticeable all over the lead, is directly due to it.
Glorious Record
After 50 years of activity, the Congress can to-day look back with pride on the glorious record of its achievement. As Gandhiji once said “the elephant has been made to realise its strength.”
The Nation’s Homage
The Golden Jubilee is a unique occasion in the history of the Congress and the waited united of the people now being directed towards making it a hand success, are evidence of public realisation of its great sales as a nation-building force. Dr Ansari along with the rest of India resolved to celebrate the occasion and the opening of the Swadeshi Exhibition by Dr. Ansari yesterday inaugurated the Jubilee week.
The Congress Golden Jubilee celebrations commenced yesterday when after the ‘Prabhat Pheris,’ in the morning Dr. M. A. Ansari opened the Exhibition at Gandhi Park in the afternoon. The occasion was marked by great solemnity which was rendered more so by the singing of the National songs by the large gathering present, including many women and children.
After unfurling the National flag. Dr. Ansari spoke of the significance of the celebrations and said how the Congress, during the last over 50 years, had worked consistently for the cause of the country and its political and economic emancipation. They could not achieve all they wanted, but whatever awakening, political or otherwise, that was noticeable in the country to-day could be traced to the influence of the Congress.
The only Organisation
The Congress had gone from strength to strength and to-day they found that it was the only representative organisation in the country which could speak with authority for the whole country irrespective of caste, creed or religion. In former days, the Congress was an organization which met once a year and passed lengthy resolutions and then dis- Congress and its work in the practical sphere was negligible.
With the advent of Mahatma Gandhi into the arena, the entire phase of the organization was instilled into the country. The Congress organization actively took into its hands the multifarious problems facing the country and a’ most remarkable awakening in the political consciousness of the people was the result. The people came to realize that they had certain rights and responsibilities in the country and that the Administrator could no longer remain static and ignore popular wishes. Representative institution of the country and in the field of industrialization of the country, the Congress had exercised a host salutary influence. The cry for Swadeshism was heard on all sides and the spurt to indigenous industries and undertakings had been truly great.
“The Congress is above person, above party, religion, caste, creed or communalism. It is the organization of the ere people working for their common welfare and happiness “ declared the Doctor in a spirted manner.
Gandhiji’s Principles
Continuing he said that Gandhiji’s high principles anti selfless sacrifices had permeated into ‘ every nook and corner of the country and Congress had now become a by-word even in the remotest parts of the country. Thanks to n loyal band of some and self sacrificing workers. the message of the Congress had been carried to every part even in the remote villages and hardly there was any place in the country where the Congress was not functioning.
Looking back into the past and taking stock of the present conditions, they could take pride that I the country had been taken aw y from it’s apathy and indifference in matters relating to the people’s welfare. The trials and tribulations of the Congressmen had been great in the past but their achievements were in no way small. Much work lay ahead of them yet to be achieved but with < courage. in their hearts and good cheer they could reach their declared goal of political and economic independence.
The Congress Golden Jubilee was a unique occasion in the history of that organization and that of the country and the united efforts of the people must be directed towards making it a grand success.
Founder of Congress
A copy of a 45-year-old photograph shouting Mr. Hume. the founder of the Congress. Fandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, Sir Surendranath Bannerji and two others, was presented to De Ansari by Mr. Onkar Nath. Similar copies were also presented to Dr. Syed Mahmood, Mr. Asaf Ali. Mr Jugal Kishore Khanna. Prof. Indra and Dr Yudhvir Singh.
Satisfactory Response Mr. Onkar Nath. In inviting Dr. Ansari to open the Exhibition. regretted that arrangements were not yet complete but he had a very satisfactory response from exhibitors from all over Northern India. He was helped in his Work by a band of young men who had worked date in and day out to make the Exhibition a success. Although they originally intended to have only 75 stalls, this number had subsequently to be doubled as he was receiving telegrams every day from manufacturers asking for reservation of space. In the allocation, he had a difficult job but as far as possible no one was refused.