Hypertension: Can Yoga Reduce Blood Pressure? Know 5 Best Yoga Poses For High Blood Pressure

Hypertension: Can Yoga Reduce Blood Pressure? Know 5 Best Yoga Poses For High Blood Pressure

Hypertension: Yoga can relieve stress and control other factors contributing to hypertension


  • High blood pressure can trigger the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Exercise and a healthy diet can help you control high blood pressure
  • Try yoga on regular basis to reduce blood pressure numbers

High blood pressure is a condition which shows no symptoms, but can certainly put you at risk of heart disease. High blood pressure or hypertension should not be ignored. High blood pressure patients are at a higher risk of heart diseases and stroke. Several factors can raise your blood pressure numbers including sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, obesity, smoking, stress, family history and many more.

Consumption of a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you control your blood pressure numbers. Another natural and safe method to control hypertension is by practicing yoga. Yoga is an ancient method to stay fit which can give you a solution to many health problems.

Yoga poses involve breathing in a certain pattern which can control blood pressure as well as relieve stress. It will also enhance the functioning of your heart. Yoga leaves a positive impact on your mind and body. It is an effective way to lower blood pressure. Here are some effective yoga asanas for hypertension.

High blood pressure: Yoga asanas to control hypertension

1. Child pose or Balasana

Child pose is beneficial for hypertension patients. It can give you relief from different factors which contribute to high blood pressure. This asana reduces stress and improves blood circulation throughout the body. Controlled breathing while performing this asana promotes calmness and reduces stress from neck and shoulders.

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2. Sukhasana or easy pose

It is a popular yoga asana which regulates breathing. This pose gives you relief from high blood pressure by promoting a peaceful mind and reducing stress. A relaxed mind promotes a healthy body. This asana will also stretch back and neck. It will also improve your body’s posture.


Hypertension: Easy pose relaxes your whole mind and body
Photo Credit: iStock

3. Shavasana

Shavasana or corpse pose is meant for relaxation. This is one of the easiest poses which you can try to control your blood pressure numbers. Shavasana calms your brain, relieve stress, relaxes the body, reduces headache, fatigue and insomnia. These all are the risk factors of high blood pressure. By controlling these factors, Shavasana contributes to lower blood pressure.

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4. Cobra pose

Cobra pose also known as Bhujangasana is helpful in circulating blood and oxygen. This pose also relieves stress and promotes heart health. You will notice more flexibility with this pose. Cobra pose is also considered beneficial for asthma patients.


High blood pressure treatment: Some yoga poses can give you natural relief from hypertension
Photo Credit: iStock

5. Bridge pose

Bridge pose also regulates blood pressure. It calms the brain and alleviates stress. This asana is also beneficial in managing mild depression. Apart from high blood pressure, bridge pose is good for abdominal organs, lungs, menstrual pain, fatigue, headache and anxiety.

Also read: High Blood Pressure Remedies: These Teas Can Lower Your Blood Pressure Numbers Naturally

If you are experiencing high blood pressure for a long time, you must not ignore this condition and consult a doctor. Yoga is extremely beneficial for your body and overall health. If you are taking medications for high blood pressure you can once check with your doctor before adding yoga to your routine.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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