Mouni Roy and Suraj Nambiar completed one year as husband and wife on Friday. The actress, who got married on January 27 in Goa last year, wished her husband in the sweetest way possible on social media. To mark their first wedding anniversary, Mouni and Suraj visited a temple, glimpses of which she shared on Instagram. She posted a bunch of photos of herself and Suraj Nambiar, twinning in white outfits. Mouni Roy, in her caption, wrote the seven promises the couple made during their wedding in Sanskrit and added, “I’ll always carry on these seven pledges through this beautiful journey of life with you… Happy 1st.”
Needless to say, friends and fans of Mouni Roy loved the images. They filled the comments section with red heart emojis. Sonali Bendre’s wish read, “Happy anniversary!! Here’s to a lifetime of joy.” Smriti Khanna, Shamita Shetty, Disha Parmar, Karanvir Bohra and Karan Tacker wished “happy anniversary” to the couple.
“Happy anniversary,” wrote Aamir Ali while Aashka Goradia commented, “Happy happy anniversary. Together, forever.”
See Mouni Roy’s post here:
In a separate post, Mouni Roy shared a dreamy video from her wedding festivities. It shows her enjoying every moment leading to her big day to the fullest. From their haldi ceremony to mehendi festivities, the glimpses have it all. The video also features Mouni’s close friends Mandira Bedi and Arjun Bijlani.
Mouni Roy and Suraj Nambiar, on their wedding anniversary, shared a stunning photo of themselves and gave their fans couple goals. “Got my heart in a (lock),” read their caption on the post. Take a look:
In terms of work, Mouni Roy made a debut in Bollywood with Akshay Kumar’s Gold. Later, she starred in John Abraham’s Romeo Akbar Walter and Rajkummar Rao’s Made In China. Her last project was Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s Brahmastra. She played the role of an antagonist named Junoon. The film, which was released last year, also starred Amitabh Bachchan and Nagarjuna. Mouni was also recently seen in a music video titled Fakeeran.
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