Janhvi Kapoor is an absolute fashionista. The actor keeps slaying fashion goals like a pro with snippets from her fashion photoshoots on her social media handles on a regular basis. Be it posing in a stunning designer wear or giving us glimpses of her party looks with her friends and family, janhvi knows how to bring the party to the floor with her stylish ensembles. Janhvi spent the New Year in style, with her near and dear ones and mostly partying. The actor is now back to the grind. Janhvi, besides being a fashion icon and an actor, is also a dedicated fitness enthusiast. Janhvi swears by high intensity workouts, yoga and Pilates. She is often spotted wearing her ‘Pilates girl’ athleisure to her gym, to kickstart the day on a fitness high.
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Janhvi is a regular at Namrata Purohit’s Pilates studio. Namrata Purohit, Pilates trainer, is also known for training several Bollywood celebrities including Sara Ali Khan and Janhvi’s sister Khushi Kapoor. Janhvi, a day back, got photographed on her way out of her gym after an intense session. The actor keeps slaying fitness goals for us with snippets from her Pilates routine. Often Namrata is spotted sharing the glimpses of Janhvi’s routine on her respective profile. Janhvi, for the midweek, chose a stunning athleisure to kickstart the day. The actor opted for a black sports bra and layered it with a pastel pink cropped T-shirt featuring a closed neckline, half sleeves, and showing off her midriff. She further teamed it with a pair of lavender gym shorts that came with a high waistline. Take a look at her athleisure here:
Janhvi accessorised her look for the day in a black sling bag that featured details in silver resham work. In white comfy floaters, Janhvi aced the gym look to perfection. Janhvi wore her tresses into a clean ponytail and decked up in minimal makeup as she posed for the cameras. In nude eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara-laden eyelashes, drawn eyebrows, contoured cheeks and a shade of nude lipstick, Janhvi aced gym fashion like a diva.
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