Janhvi Kapoor is in the festive mood. The actor, who is an absolute fashionista, keeps slaying fashion goals like a pro with snippets from her fashion diaries on her Instagram profile on a regular basis. The actor is known for making her fans drool with pictures from her fashion photoshoots. Janhvi can do it all – from slaying a bikini look by the sea, to looking ethereal in the sequined six yards of grace for a festive evening, to making us drool to her co-ord sets for a fun day out with friends. Janhvi’s sense of sartorial fashion always manages to make her fans swoon and the recent set of pictures are no different.
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Janhvi celebrated Pongal in the prettiest way possible. Tamil Nadu celebrated the harvest festival Pongal a few days back, and the actor basked in the festivities. The harvest festival was celebrated in many parts of the country. While Tamil Nadu celebrated Pongal, West Bengal celebrated Makar Sankranti. Assam celebrated Bihu and Gujarat celebrated Uttarayan, and Punjab celebrated Lohri. Pongal is the time of the year when people get together to witness the last few coldest days of the year, and celebrate the harvest of the year. Janhvi celebrated Pongal in the stylist way, by playing muse to fashion designer Manish Malhotra. The actor picked a golden lehenga and posed for multiple pictures. Janhvi was photographed in a golden sleeveless blouse with golden zari borders and a plunging neckline. She teamed it with a golden satin flowy skirt. The actor added more festive vibes to her look with a heavily embroidered golden dupatta with golden feather details at the borders.
Janhvi wrote the warmest wish for Pongal in Tamil in her caption. The actor further accessorised her look for the day in a silver maangtikka and statement silver earrings. Styled by hairstylist Marce Pedrozo, Janhvi wore her tresses open in wavy curls with a middle part as she posed for the pictures. Assisted by makeup artist Savleen Kaur Manchanda, Janhvi decked up in nude eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black kohl, mascara-laden eyelashes, drawn eyebrows, contoured cheeks and a shade of nude lipstick.
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