Helmed by Karthik K, the movie is based on the story of India’s alleged financial fugitives like Vijay Mallya and Nirav Modi. Kishore fits into the narrative as a tough police officer. With no fear of getting stereotyped into cop roles, Kishore states, “I use it as an advantage because I can’t avoid it. I think every cop role is different and you cannot categorize them. Every cop and the way he handles every case, his experience, his character, everything is different. I think the majority of the cop roles I’ve played have been the bad cop. This doesn’t exactly fall into the bad or good cop category. It’s an interesting, real character.”
Thrilled to share the frame with Suniel Shetty, Kishore adds, “I had got a call from him to congratulate me on Kantara. Otherwise, we haven’t spoken or met. I’ve been a big fan of him and his work, not only cinema, but apart from that, too I’ve been following what he has been doing for all these years. It’s a wonderful opportunity to be working with him. It’s a nice feeling. I’ve heard that it’s always a good experience working with him.” With ‘File No 323’, Kishore will mark his debut in Bollywood. The actor feels that the success of ‘Kantara’ and ‘The Family Man’ opened several doors for him. “I think things opened up a lot. Like after every success, there’s a high for everyone in their career. So, that’s what happened to me also, I think. And after the pandemic, it has been like everybody is back to their origins. So, it has resulted in more work, definitely.”
The team of ‘File No 323’ will soon head to London to kickstart the next schedule.