Actor Karisma Kapoor recently served fans with a gorgeous style moment as she attended her family’s Christmas lunch. The Kapoor family gathered at Kunal Kapoor’s home on December 25 for an intimate get-together. The paparazzi clicked Karisma Kapoor along with her kids – Samaira and Kiaan, Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Randhir Kapoor, Babita Kapoor, Shweta Bachchan, Navya Naveli Nanda, Agastya Nanda and Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan outside Kunal Kapoor’s house in Mumbai. Karisma made a stunning appearance at the family affair in her printed button-down midi dress. Keep scrolling to find out where you can get the exact look. (Also Read | Karisma Kapoor’s new pics show beauty of the mountains and her gorgeous look in pink anarkali: See here)
Karisma Kapoor’s fashion fix for New Year’s Eve
On Christmas Day, Karisma Kapoor slipped into a printed ensemble to attend a family lunch at Kunal Kapoor’s house. For the occasion, Karisma slipped into a white and orange printed midi dress. The paparazzi clicked the star arriving at the occasion dressed in a gorgeous outfit with her kids, Samaira and Kiaan. The outfit she wore is from the shelves of the clothing label The Summer House. She styled it with minimal accessories and bold glam picks. You can wear the ensemble to attend New Year’s Eve parties with your friends. Check out Karisma’s pictures below.
What is the price of Karisma’s ensemble?
The midi dress is available on The Summer House website and could easily elevate your New Year’s Eve party closet. It is called the Halo Dress, and adding it to your collection will cost you ₹5,600.
Regarding the design elements, the ensemble is crafted from organic cotton decorated with an orange pattern on a white backdrop. It features an empire waist, bishop sleeves, statement cuff with buttons, midi hem length, a front button fastening through the entire length of the dress, a V neckline, and a structured figure-skimming fit.
Karisma accessorised the printed dress with layered gold chains, strappy white kitten heels, black-tinted sunglasses, rings, quirky bracelets, and a white mini-top handle bag. In the end, Karisma chose darkened brows, bold red lip shade, glowing skin and side-parted open tresses for the glam picks.