Speaking about his experience of soaking in the ambience of Kolkata, Mahesh Bhatt said, “The streets of Kolkata are adorned with the posters of the festival and on those posters you find fascinating images of Charlie Chaplin juxtaposed with Appu the character created by Satyajit Ray in Pather Panchali. This is the spirit every year at KIFF. As the festival celebrates cinema, it is a coming together of hearts of the West and the East. They meet in the city and celebrate the art and craft of filmmaking, bringing the world closer.”
Mahesh Bhatt is slated to join colleague Shatrughan Sinha in addressing the dignitaries and participants at the KIFF 2022. The festival is going to showcase Hrishikesh Mukherjee movies like Abhimaan, which is the opening film, along with other titles like Mili, Anupama, Anuradha, Anand, Anari, Bemisal and Satyakam. There’s a tribute to Dilip Kumar as well with screenings of Shakti and Gunga Jumna. Amitabh Bachchan’s films like Black, Deewar and Kala Patthar will also be screened. There are also tributes lined up for other personalities like K Asif, Asit Sen and other notable names like Ali Akbar Khan, Bharati Devi, Alain Resnais, Michael Cacoyannis and Pier Paolo Pasolini.