Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MP Manoj Jha on Wednesday wrote to Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar demanding an apology from Union minister Piyush Goyal for “demeaning” Bihar. He was referring to Goyal’s remark in Parliament – “Inka bas chale toh desh ko Bihar hi bana de” (if things happened according to their whims the entire country would become a Bihar).
In his letter, the RJD national spokesperson condemned the “sheer insensitivity” displayed towards the situation of Bihar as he cited Goyal’s “condescending attitude”. Jha claimed Goyal’s statement “smacked of elitism” and “was completely uncalled for”. He highlighted Biharis have been treated as “second-class citizens” and to overcome these “long-lived prejudices” national concern and sympathy is needed.
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“Is the statement made by Mr. Piyush Goyal also representative of the contemptuous and condescending attitude of the Government of India toward Bihar? Because it is deeply problematic if the Government singles out one state and terms it a failure,” the letter reads.
“Bihar has been long ignored by governments at the centre and Biharis have always been treated as second-class citizens. To overcome the long-lived prejudices against our state, Bihar needs national concern and sympathy and not sheer insensitivity towards our situation.”
He further urges the BJP leader to “ponder and reflect” the “sneering tone” he had used to speak about Bihar. “Therefore, I demand that Mr. Piyush Goyal should immediately make an apology to all the people of Bihar.”
(With ANI inputs)
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