The ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ actor said there’s not much he can do to stop these rumours. “You can’t do anything about rumours. It has happened even earlier that one rumour was spread by someone purposely to make a person into a villain. The way a rumour spreads, others also keep adding fuel to fire and people start believing it. Thus the person in question becomes a villain. By the time the truth comes out, his career is over. Everyone is in their shell.
Agar ek ki pit rahi hai, toh sab maze le rahe hain
(Everyone takes pleasure out of a person’s misery).”
A lot has been written about Nawazuddin’s personal life lately as he’s going through a divorce. While the actor has refrained from addressing it directly, he shared why he doesn’t like to react. Nawaz narrated a story of a Lion and mouse. He said, “There was a mouse once who kept abusing a lion but the lion didn’t react. The lioness then told him, he’s harassing you, why aren’t you reacting? The lion said, it’s just a mouse. But due to the provocation then, he ran behind the mouse and got stuck in a pipe while trying to catch him. The mouse came out of the pipe from the other end and kicked his ‘a**’ and told everyone that he hit the lion.”
Nawaz confessed that he doesn’t react to whatever is being said about him thinking of this lion and mouse story. “
Ganda aadmi aapko lalkarta hai aur jab aap uske paale mein jaate hain, wahan woh aapse smart hota hai
. (A bad person provokes you, and almost gets you to their territory. That’s where they trap you and attack). So, it’s better to let the rumours spread and not react,” he added further.
Watch the interview here:
Afwaah Interview: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Bhumi Pednekar & Sudhir Mishra On RUMOURS, Film Industry
Talking about ‘Afwaah’, this is the second time Nawazuddin has collaborated with Sudhir Mishra after ‘Serious Men’. Ask him how it was for him this time around, he shares, “The role was challenging but even ‘Serious Men’ was challenging. When I work with Sudhir Mishra, I don’t get scared because I feel he will handle me well and put me on track. I get a very secured environment in his films. I was very secured in this film because of Sudhir Mishra and my co-actors like Bhumi.”