People blush as porn clip plays for 3 mins on TV screens at Patna railway station

People blush as porn clip plays for 3 mins on TV screens at Patna railway station

Passengers from all across states were left in splits after a porn clip replaced advertisements on the television screens installed at the Patna Railway Station.

Patna,UPDATED: Mar 20, 2023 09:26 IST

The relay of the adult film stopped after travellers filed a complaint with the Government Railway Police and Railway Protection Force. (File | PTI)

By Rohit Kumar Singh: Hundreds of people were left blushing after an adult film replaced advertisements being played on the TV screens installed at Bihar’s Patna railway station for three minutes on Sunday around 9:30 am.

After being left in splits, passengers wasted no time and filed a complaint with the Government Railway Police (GRP) and Railway Protection Force (RPF).

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After the GRP delayed taking action, the RPF contacted Dutta Communication, the agency responsible for running advertisements on the screens and asked the agency operators to stop the relay of the porn clip in front of people, including women and children.

Later, railway officials also flung into action and an FIR was registered against Dutta Communication. The agency has been blacklisted by the Railways and a fine has also been imposed on it.

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According to sources, the railway officials have also terminated the contract which was given to the agency for relaying advertisements on television screens at the railway station.

The railway department is conducting a separate inquiry into this matter.

Meanwhile, some officials have questioned the fact that the video was played specifically on platform number 10.

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