‘Personal details of TN hospital patients put out for sale by hackers’ | Chennai News – Times of

‘Personal details of TN hospital patients put out for sale by hackers’ | Chennai News – Times of

CHENNAI: Personal details of more 1.5 lakh patients in a Tirupur-based hospital have been put out for sale by cyber hackers through Telegram channels and specific cybercrime forums, said Singapore-based CloudSEK, s a contextual AI company that predicts Cyber Threats. The details include birth dates, addresses, guardian’s names and doctor’s details. However, the hospital said no medical details of patients were compromised.
The samples put out by the hackers belong to a database of Sree Saran Medical Centre from 2007 to 2011, an analysis by CloudSEK has revealed.
The company, however, does not yet have information on whether data from a period after that has been compromised as well, said CloudSEK founder Rahul Sasi.
On November 22, his company discovered the post made by a cybercriminal with a high reputation in the cybercrime forum “advertising sensitive information of patients allegedly sourced from Chennai-based Three Cube IT Lab India, a provider for application development, business intelligence and consulting services. The database was advertised for US$100 (meaning that multiple copies of the database would be sold), for cybercriminals seeking to be the exclusive owner of the database, the price is raised to US$300 and if the owner intends to resell the database, the quoted price is US$400. As part of responsible disclosure, CloudSEK has informed all the stakeholders about the incident,” Rahul Sasi said.
CloudSEK’s researchers used the names of doctors from the database to identify the healthcare firm, whose data was present in the sample. Researchers were able to identify that the doctors work at a Sree Saran Medical Center.
The company, however, has no information if Three Cube may be operating as a software vendor or the hospital. “We can term this incident as a supply chain attack, since the IT vendor of the hospital, in this case, Three Cube IT Lab, was targeted first. Using the access to the vendor’s systems as an initial foothold, the threat actor was able to exfiltrate personally identifiable information (pii) and protected health information (PHI) of their hospital clients,” said CloudSEK threat analyst Noel Varghese.
This could have happened if the hackers had access to sensitive information such as system passwords, VPN credentials in the vendor’s systems. These can help them gain access to Three Cube IT Labs’ client infrastructure and maintain persistence on their systems, and exfiltrate PII and PHI of their hospital clients, he said.
This is the second incident of hacking in the healthcare sector in India in less than a week, but such incidents aren’t rare, said Rahul Sasi. “Indian healthcare has the second largest threat of cyberattack after the US. We have done several studies to show this,” he said.
Healthcare firms must assess the security rating of their vendors, ensure that they meet compliance requirements and mitigate potential threats that could lead to a cyber incident with a greater scope of risk, he said.
Rahul Sasi said, “81% of the doctors in the country work for the 55% of the private sector hospitals. While most hospitals are hugely profitable, they hardly invest in cyber security”
CloudSEK said it was not sure if more clients could be affected, though the risk is high. Hackers can establish persistence on the network by using post-exploitation techniques and launch sophisticated ransomware attacks, besides selling data for profit, they said.
Sree Saran Medical Centre chairman Dr Palanisamy told TOI that no medical records of patients were stored in the system. “We do not maintain an electronic health record in the hospital,” he said.
“Three Cube IT Lab was our service provider for a year. We used their software to build up our database, but we moved over to a new company four years ago. We are doing our best to ensure the safety of our patient records,” Palanisamy said.

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