New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday greeted the people of Tripura, Manipur, and Meghalaya on their statehood day. PM Modi took to Twitter and said both Tripura and Manipur have seen progress and growth in the last few years. He further said that people from Meghalaya have excelled in diverse fields.
Manipur has been progressing on several counts during the last few years, PM Modi said, The state has been progressing on several counts during the last few years. I pray that the aspirations of the people of this state are fulfilled and Manipur keeps strengthening India’s growth trajectory, he added.
Statehood Day greetings to the people of Manipur. The state has been progressing on several counts during the last few years. I pray that the aspirations of the people of this state are fulfilled and Manipur keeps strengthening India’s growth trajectory.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 21, 2023
Wishing Tripura on Statehood day, PM Modi said that the last five years have been remarkable for Tripura’s growth trajectory. He further said, from agriculture to industry, education to health, the state has seen great transformation.
On their Statehood Day, best wishes to the people of Tripura. The last 5 years have been remarkable for Tripura’s growth trajectory. From agriculture to industry, education to health, the state has seen great transformation. May this trend continue in the coming times.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 21, 2023
Tweeting on Meghalaya statehood day, Modi said, “This state is known for its vibrant culture, particularly music, art, and passion towards sports. People from Meghalaya have excelled in diverse fields. I pray for Meghalaya’s continuous progress in the years to come.”
Greetings to the people of Meghalaya on their Statehood Day. This state is known for its vibrant culture, particularly music, art, and passion towards sports. People from Meghalaya have excelled in diverse fields. I pray for Meghalaya’s continuous progress in the years to come.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 21, 2023