Ajay Devgn has also dabbled with direction on many occasions, his most recent directorials being Bholaa and Runway 34. Santoshi reveals Ajay has good script sense and adds, “He is a very hardworking actor. I enjoyed working with him. He understands the requirement of the script and the director. I wish him to achieve more and more success.”
Santoshi also praises Ajay versatility and says, “God has been kind. He has achieved success in comedies like Golmaal and action like Singham too. He is a very intelligent person. He understands technique.”
One of their most celebrated associations was on The Legend Of Bhagat Singh (2002). Recalling their collaboration on the historical, Santoshi says, “While doing Bhagat Singh, both of us were very sure about what we were doing. We had done a lot of research and planning. We were not making the film in a haphazard manner. We are proud of that film. The same thing was with Khakee. He didn’t have any insecurities being in a multi-starrer. Halla Bol didn’t work that well but he did a wonderful job transforming from a reel to a real star.”
Like many of Ajay Devgn’s peers Santoshi too is impressed by the ‘Singham’ star’s humility. Santoshi concludes, “He is very down-to-earth and humble. Success has not gone to his head. He is very respectful.”