For all Akshay Kumar fans out there, we have some amazing news in store. The actor has announced the release date of his upcoming film Selfiee. The Raj Mehta directorial will hit the theatres on February 24. Akshay Kumar shared the happy news with a motion poster featuring himself and Emraan Hashmi. Along with the announcement post, the actor wrote, “Fans make a star. Fans can also break a star! Find out what happens when a fan turns against his Idol. Watch Selfiee in cinemas on February 24.”
Selfiee also stars Diana Penty and Nushrratt Bharuccha in crucial roles. The project was announced in January last year. Akshay Kumar shared the news with a video featuring himself and Emraan Hashmi. The caption read, “Presenting Selfiee, a journey that will drive you towards loads of entertainment, laughter and emotions. Shooting begins soon.”
Now, look at Akhay Kumar and his “perfect Selfiee partner.”
Found myself the perfect #Selfiee partner! Hey @karanjohar , have we slayed this selfie game or what?????
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) January 12, 2022
Akshay Kumar welcomed Diana Penty and Nushrratt Bharuccha with a fun video. In the clip, which was shot inside a car, the stars are holding a card with Selfiee written on them. A few seconds later, we get to see the faces behind those cards. Sharing the clip, Akshay wrote, “With Nushrratt Bharuccha and Diana Penty joining in, the Selfiee squad is in full gear. What say Emraan Hashmi, ho jaye muqabla?”
Akshay Kumar was last seen in Ram Setu alongside Nushrratt Bharuccha and Jacqueline Fernandez. Satyadev was also part of the film. Ram Setu, directed by Abhishek Sharma, was released on October 25.
Apart from Selfiee, Akshay Kumar will share the screen space with Parineeti Chopra. The two have previously collaborated for Kesari. Akshay also has Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.It also stars Tiger Shroff and Prithviraj Sukumaran.
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