Shraddha Kapoor knows how to keep her fans entertained. In addition to her amazing on-screen performances, the actress shares fun posts on her social media handles. Now, much to the delight of her fans, the Haider star has got a new haircut and shared the look with her fans. Saying goodbye to her long tresses, Shraddha Kapoor opted for a short crop look. Sharing two images in which she is dressed in loungewear and chilling indoors with a cup in hand, Shraddha wrote: “Dil chota mat karo, baal karo [ Don’t make your heart small, cut your hair short],” with a bunch of funny images.
Fans flooded the comments section with compliments. Some even asked Shraddha Kapoor if she had chopped her hair off for a new project. Monica Chaudhary, who was seen in Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar with Shraddha, commented, “Sundar.” Shraddha reacted with heart emojis.
See Shraddha Kapoor’s new look here:
Shraddha Kapoor’s last release was Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar opposite Ranbir Kapoor. The film was also recently released on the streaming platform Netflix. About the film, NDTV’s Saibal Chatterjee wrote, “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar mocks established notions of dating and romance and examines the consequences of a clash between family and freedom, between casual fling and lifelong fidelity, between a girl who is done with living under the same roof with her extended brood and a boy for whom filial bonds matter as much as love does.”
During the promotions of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, Shraddha Kapoor had shared a video with her father Shakti Kapoor that went viral. She shared a clip in which the veteran actor is seen dancing to the song Show Me The Thumka. In the video, Shraddha asks her dad, “Baapu, thumka laga rahe ho.” To, this actor replies, “Thumkha lagaya nahi maara jaata hai.” In the caption, Shraddha Kapoor wrote, “#MaaroThumka… Best Thumkas meri story pe jayenge.”
Watch the fun video here:
Shraddha Kapoor will be seen next in Stree 2 alongside Rajkummar Rao, Aparshakti Khurrana and Abhishek Banerjee.