In an interview to Bollywood Bubble, the actor called Shah Rukh Khan extremely ‘secure’ in his skin, apart from being a total charmer. He said, “I shot Main Hoon Na with him and he used to treat his actors like superstars. SRK is the most secure man I have ever seen. In the Main Hoon Na climax scene, he stepped down and said ‘I can’t beat Suniel Shetty up. Let me do something’ — like he took the pin of the bomb, saying physically I can’t beat him. You are talking about men here who are so secure in their own skin.”
Suniel also spoke about Sanjay Dutt, with whom he will be sharing screen space in Hera Pheri 3. He said that Sanjay Dutt often asks his co-stars to steal the limelight and mouth the meatier dialogues in the movie. He added, “Sanjay Dutt ko bolo ke dialogues itne bolne hai and he will say ‘tu bolde na yaar sab’ (Ask Sanjay Dutt to say the dialogues and he will say, ‘why don’t you only deliver them?’). He knows that he has to just stand there and others will get a complex.”
Recently, the actor expressed his fears about the third franchise of the highly anticipated Hera Pheri. The actor hoped that the film is at least close to the original. According to him, ‘Hera Pheri’ is an extremely honest film and if they maintain the honesty, people will latch on to it. The film has a great recall value and he is looking forward to it, Suniel told Pinkvilla.