On Friday, the Supreme Court in its latest order asked the Kerala High Court to reconsider the anticipatory bail pleas of five police and intelligence bureau officials. After the news broke out, the ‘Kashmir Files’ director hailed Madhavan’s film once again as he strongly reacted to the latest development.
He took to his Twitter handle to support Supreme Court’s decision and criticized the Kerala High Court order that granted anticipatory bail to the four accused in the case of alleged frame-up of scientist Nambi Narayanan in the infamous 1994 ISRO espionage incident. “Pl watch #Rocketry by @ActorMadhavan to know more about this sinister case,” Vivek tweeted.
Pl watch #Rocketry by @ActorMadhavan to know more about this sinister case. https://t.co/x7SpPZK0za
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) 1669960350000
An overwhelmed Madhavan who played the titular role in the film along with writing, directing and producing it retweeted Agnihotri’s comment and wrote, “you are too kind sir.”
you are too kind sir . https://t.co/T63BYBx6kL
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) 1669971147000
‘Rocketry: The Nambi Effect’ is based on the life of Nambi Narayanan, a former scientist and aerospace engineer of the Indian Space Research Organisation. In 1994, Nambi Narayanan was charged with leaking defense secrets but the scientist fought his own case in the Supreme Court and was declared not guilty in 1996. Madhavan’s film traces this extraordinary journey of the ace Indian scientist. Madhavan himself had said during the film’s release that the achievements of James Bond, the fictional British Secret Service agent from the Bond franchise, are also nothing compared to what Nambi Narayanan managed to do in real life.