What is ‘rage-applying’, the trend that’s taking over the workplace in 2023? – Times of India

What is ‘rage-applying’, the trend that’s taking over the workplace in 2023? – Times of India

The world of job opportunities, workplace culture and values keeps changing by the day. There are new terms and trends that dominate this industry every year. These mostly showcase the excessive burnout and exhaustion that employees go through after working long hours and at a stretch in the workplace. The lack of appreciation, motivation and acknowledgement had driven employees to ‘quiet quitting’ last year i.e the trend of doing the bare minimum at work. But this year, ‘rage applying’ is what everybody has been up to. And well, it surely has made people quite happy worldwide!

Wondering what this new trend is all about? Read about ‘rage applying’ here below.

What is rage applying?
Rage applying indicates trying to channel the anger and frustration at work or at your boss towards applying for multiple jobs in one go. This usually happens when you are very dissatisfied with your current job and are looking for ways to get out of this workplace. Employees who feel underappreciated, burnt out and least interested to work under their bosses engage in this new workplace trend.

Those who ‘rage apply’ are quite aggressive in sending out their resumes to different companies and recruiters to find a new job. They look for a better work environment and a hefty salary.

When employees make the shift from one workplace to another, it increases the chances of them receiving a better position and hike in salary. When one remains in a workplace where their presence or work is never appreciated, it’s a big blow to their self-esteem. The built-up anger and frustration, or rather ‘rage’ causes the employee to look for better work opportunities.

How did this trend come about?
This trend has actually been implemented by several people already across the world. But in early December 2022, a Tik Tok user Redweez shared a video where she got a raise of $25,000 when she ‘rage applied.’ The video went viral and several people began to try out this new trend, among which most led to success.

Reportedly, Redweez sent her resume to 15 jobs after she got really mad at her workplace. Her ‘rage applying’ caused her to get a job with a huge raise scale.

Several other reports of people ‘rage applying’ began to go viral where people said that they got a beneficial percentage of salary raises. They also reportedly got great managers who were much more motivating and understanding.

What are the key reasons for ‘rage applying’?
Let’s get real. The price of a good lifestyle in today’s times has increased radically. Inflation in economies and the high price of everyday items have made it difficult to survive with a low-income salary. Moreover, if the workplace has a demeaning and toxic atmosphere that includes a demotivating boss, it gets even more difficult to survive in such a workplace. Employees tend to lose interest in their jobs quickly and turn to new opportunities.

In such circumstances, employees need a push to send out their resumes to other companies and leave their good-for-nothing job. This push can be positive advice from a person or in this case, a tipping point that has caused enough rage for the employee to finally leave their job.

This may be the new trend but it may not always be a wise decision. Rage-applying means sending out resumes to multiple companies in a fit of anger. This also points out the fact that employees do not consider if the position they are applying for, will be a good fit for them or not. Blinded by rage and fury, they accept whichever job will pay them the most, without contemplating whether they will be mentally satisfied with their new role or not.

There can be chances that the new job may not guarantee work-life balance as well. This may lead employees to regret shifting to a new job in a state of hurry—which is never the road to success. Changing jobs is a very big decision to make, and that should never be done in a state of hurry or with heightened emotions. Opting for ‘rage job searching’ instead of ‘rage applying’ is a much better option where the employee can channel their anger into finding the perfect job, that will be a right fit for them.

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