Why is my dog coughing constantly? Here are common reasons

Why is my dog coughing constantly? Here are common reasons

As an owner to multiple canines, one of the things I find extremely hard to ignore is any of my dog coughing. While the cough can be caused by multiple factors, it is the intensity and the sound of it that gets me worried. Another cause of concern for me is that I have more than one dog at home, so even something non serious as kennel cough can wreak havoc in our household. (Also read: 5 common reasons why dogs lick their owners)

While there are multiple reasons that your dog could be coughing, it is never the less important to understand the reason. Unless we are able to gain knowledge and observe our dog’s coughing pattern, we would be unable to figure out if the coughing is caused by mere dust or if there is something deeper or life threatening.

Here are some of the common reasons why your dog might be coughing:

Kennel cough

An extremely contagious respiratory disease that results in inflammation of the windpipe and lower airways in dogs. Dogs usually catch kennel cough at places where a number of canines come together like boarding and day care facilities, training groups or even a vet’s clinic. As a precaution, always consult your vet get your dog kennel cough vaccination before dropping them a facility.

Indoor irritants

Have you just changed your house air freshener and started noticing that your dog has started coughing? There could be a direct relation between the two. Unlike humans, a dog’s sense of smell is much stronger and while there are things in our environment that might not irritate us, for your dog, it can be a bother. Some of the common airborne irritants that can cause your dogs to cough include, dust mites, ash, second-hand smoke, mold, deodorants and household sprays etc.

Canine influenza

Like humans get the flu, canines get canine influenza. Canine influenza or dog flu can last from anywhere between 15 days to a month, and your vet will prescribe medication to ease the cough. Also, it is important to note that while canine influenza is different and more difficult to treat than kennel cough, both these diseases are highly contagious. Infact dog flu can further lead to secondary infections and more severe illnesses like pneumonia.


Another infection to keep track of as a dog owner is pneumonia. An infection that results in inflammation of the lungs, dogs who have pneumonia have cough that sounds wet and soft, and the cough is usually accompanies by fever, lethargy or lack of appetite.

Tracheal collapse

A progressive condition where the cartilage of the dog’s windpipe or trachea weaken, eventually leading to a complete collapse. This condition is commonly seen in obese and small dogs and is marked by dry cough, vomiting and difficulty in breathing.

While the above are some of the common issues that can lead to coughing in dogs, there could be other reasons like heart diseases, medicinal side-effects, obesity, lung problems etc. as well. If you witness any of the following symptoms in addition to coughing, it is important to take your pet to vet immediately.

1. Continuous or worsening cough that lasts more than two days

2. If your pet refuses to eat

3. Excessive lethargy or tiredness

4. If your pet has fever. No touching the nose or ears, please use a thermometer to get the temperature

5. If your pet already has breathing issues or is overweight

Also, please do ensure that your pet’s vaccinations are up to date, especially during change in season or when the climate gets extreme.

Vidhi Malla is a dog mom, rescuer and an entrepreneur in the petcare space. She had founded ‘Pawtales’, a pet homestay in New Delhi in 2015. Vidhi has had pets since childhood and has been working for the welfare of animals; especially dogs for over two decades. She has worked with prestigious organizations like Federation of Anima Protection Organisation and Humane Society International/India, around animal cruelty and policy issues, and is an active volunteer with various NGOs and shelters. She takes care of 3 street Indian pariah dogs in addition to being a pet-parent to 5 beautiful paw-children

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