The fresh year started a few days back. While Bollywood basked in the festivities and celebrations of welcoming the new year with their arms wide open, they also pledged to take care of their health better, and embrace their bodies with a better fitness routine. Resolutions and fresh promises are a part of welcoming the new year. Anshuka Parwani, yoga trainer to Bollywood celebrities such as Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor is known for sharing fitness and health-related insights and information on her Instagram profile on a regular basis. Anshuka urged her Instagram family to start the new year with the fitness high.
Anshuka’s Instagram profile is replete with fitness inspo. From demonstrating yoga routines to sharing information on the health benefits of each routine to the precautionary measures that should be taken, Anshuka keeps inspiring us to take up a healthy fitness routine. In her recent Instagram post, Anshuka wrote, “Let’s start this new year right 2023. Here’s to healthier beginnings with a sustainable practice. Kickstart your Yoga journey with these 5 easy asanas now and here’s what each of them can do for you.” Anshuka further demonstrated five yoga asanas for the ones who are looking forward to start their journey with yoga:
ALSO READ: Alia Bhatt’s yoga trainer busts five yoga myths | Watch
Mountain Pose – Start with 30 seconds and go up to 2 minutes
Tree Pose – Start with 30 seconds and go up to 2 minutes
Cat Cow Pose – Perform for 5 minutes
Garland Pose – Start with 30 seconds and go up to 2 minutes
Butterfly Pose – Start with 30 seconds and go up to 2 minutes
Anshuka further added the health benefits of performing each asana. She wrote that Mountain Pose helps in improvising the posture and boosting circulation of the body. Tree Pose helps to strengthen the tendons and ligaments in the feet and improve balance, while, Cat Cow Pose helps in stretching the strengthening the spine. Anshuka further added that Garland Pose helps in opening up the groin and the hips, and boosting digestion. Butterfly pose is an excellent pose to stretch and strengthen the inner thighs, pelvic area and knees, she added.
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